Lifestyle Paulina Colton Lifestyle Paulina Colton

5 Things Bringing Me Joy & A Small Update

Hi friends! It’s been a while! Because of that, I feel the need to share a bit of an update. My desire for this platform since day one was to encourage and educate, but also as a creative outlet. I hope you find my 5 things inspiring & for you to discover your own.

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Faith Paulina Colton Faith Paulina Colton

Enneagram: An Unpopular Opinion & Spiritual Perspective

My opinion has shifted over the past year or so when it comes to the Enneagram. After a few friends and mentors of mine suggested I look into it for more self-awareness, I was still hesitant, but dove in anyway. Keep reading to learn about how my perspective has shifted & how it’s only one tool in gaining more self-awareness.

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Lifestyle Paulina Colton Lifestyle Paulina Colton

How to Practice Intentionality in Marriage

Choosing is a gift we have been given for better or for worse. Being intentional in life, relationships, health, and anything else doesn’t just happen; it’s not accidental. We have to commit to it. Read more on how to practice intentionality in your marriage.

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Faith Paulina Colton Faith Paulina Colton

Spending Time with the Lord Before Your Day Begins

At the beginning of this year, I wanted to create a rhythm of getting up and getting into the Word of God first thing in the morning. I want to provide you with things that you too can implement into your time with the Lord to create a lasting pattern.

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