Our Mission. Our Story.


When it comes to creating a healthy lifestyle, many find it overwhelming. We provide you with resources and tangible, easy to implement tips so you can cultivate the life of fullness and health that you were created to live.

Keep reading to learn more…

At the heart of Paulina Comes Clean is the desire to encourage you to pursue a lifestyle of true health & wellness. Health is not a fad or diet; it’s a way of life. We must first understand who created us to truly honor the life & body we have been given. Health is a transformation from the inside out.

Along with health & cultivating wellness, we enjoy sharing on many other areas of life as well! With Paulina’s background in Interior Design, you will see posts about how your home can be a welcoming, inviting, & purposeful space. Home is a space to host, share, & enjoy. It doesn’t need to be stressful or overcomplicated & we strive to instill confidence in your abilities to create your own dream home. Also, some favored recipes, faith-focused entries, travel guides, sustainable fashion, and clean personal care products.

There is a lot of what seems to be noise on the internet. Our hope is for this space not to be one of noise, but of education, inspiration, community, & meaningful articles that get to the heart of health & abundant living. We were created to live in & embrace community that uplifts our souls & encourages us to chase after a life of wholeness with our eyes fixed on the Lord. We desire is that in all aspects of life, we aim to put God’s glory above all else!


“I always let the Lord guide me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my whole being rejoices; my body also rests securely.”

— Psalm 16:8-9

photos taken by the very talented Julianna Benjamin.