Lifestyle Paulina Colton Lifestyle Paulina Colton

Crafting a Personal Style and Doing it Thoughtfully

Have you ever stopped to wonder if you didn’t have SM, would you just wear and do whatever pleased you? I do! I have by no means mastered my personal style, but I am trying to follow a few principles as I curate a closet I love. I hope these ideas can help you streamline your wardrobe in whatever season of life you’re in.

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Lifestyle Paulina Colton Lifestyle Paulina Colton

My Pregnancy Must-Haves

I know there are so dozens, probably hundreds of blogs out there saying “THIS is what saved me during pregnancy,” but I felt compelled to still share a few of my favorite items. I like to compare different opinions and come up with what works best for me, so I hope you find this article useful, instead of redundant!

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Lifestyle Paulina Colton Lifestyle Paulina Colton

2020 Gift Lists: Local, Small, & Sustainable

I hope you’re doing well & staying healthy. I keep seeing a bunch of others giving gift suggestions & I wanted to do the same. Since Black Friday deals have started so early this year, it’s a great time to browse the sales and cross a few things off your list. I didn’t want to have an overwhelming amount of lists but highlight just a few categories. I also wanted to make sure most of the items were from small businesses, local shops, and/or sustainable brands.

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Lifestyle Paulina Colton Lifestyle Paulina Colton

5 Things Bringing Me Joy & A Small Update

Hi friends! It’s been a while! Because of that, I feel the need to share a bit of an update. My desire for this platform since day one was to encourage and educate, but also as a creative outlet. I hope you find my 5 things inspiring & for you to discover your own.

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Lifestyle Paulina Colton Lifestyle Paulina Colton

Kansas City, Parkville, & Weston Staycation

For the Fourth of July this year, Ben and I decided to stay close to home and explore our city and a few surrounding small towns. We knew we wanted to 1. eat good food, 2. spend lots of time outside, and 3. focus on quality time with each other (our love language, y’all!). I think we built a solid itinerary for the 2 days and wanted to share it with all of you. Here we go!

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Lifestyle Paulina Colton Lifestyle Paulina Colton

The Art of Hosting & Gathering

I want you to try and erase all the Pinterest boards you have in your mind and consider what the heart of gathering truly means. Connection is something we all desire from life. Why? Because God designed us that way. Even he is not alone; he has the Trinity for his community. Since He formed us in His image, we also crave closeness with others. Read on to explore the true purpose behind gathering.

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Lifestyle Paulina Colton Lifestyle Paulina Colton

30 Day Habit-Building: Meal Planning Made Simple

I love exploring and creating new meals, but this can also be my downfall. When I don’t have enough of a plan, I am paralyzed and only want to order take-out. I set out to find the balance of structured, yet flexible in the kitchen and grocery aisles. For 30 days, I strived to create a more streamlined plan around how we grocery shop, meal plan, and prepare our weekly meals. I hope these tips and tricks help you & your family!

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Lifestyle Paulina Colton Lifestyle Paulina Colton

How to Practice Intentionality in Marriage

Choosing is a gift we have been given for better or for worse. Being intentional in life, relationships, health, and anything else doesn’t just happen; it’s not accidental. We have to commit to it. Read more on how to practice intentionality in your marriage.

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