Health Paulina Colton Health Paulina Colton

Going Clean: Top Ingredients to Avoid

Next time you are browsing the aisles of Target or finding your next refill, consider flipping over the bottle and read the ingredients section on the packaging. Hereโ€™s where a little research can be so beneficial in making educated consumer choices. With all the ingredients out there, I am sharing some of the most harmful ones and where they are likely to be found.

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Health Paulina Colton Health Paulina Colton

All About the Regimen: My 30 Day Skin Reset

High-quality skin care is great and all, but if your gutโ€™s microbiome is out of whack then there are other issues to address first. Inflammation in your gut can reveal itself two ways: in your stool and on your skin. We are going to address the skin part of the equation!

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