Lifestyle Paulina Colton Lifestyle Paulina Colton

30 Day Habit-Building: Meal Planning Made Simple

I love exploring and creating new meals, but this can also be my downfall. When I don’t have enough of a plan, I am paralyzed and only want to order take-out. I set out to find the balance of structured, yet flexible in the kitchen and grocery aisles. For 30 days, I strived to create a more streamlined plan around how we grocery shop, meal plan, and prepare our weekly meals. I hope these tips and tricks help you & your family!

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Lifestyle Paulina Colton Lifestyle Paulina Colton

How to Practice Intentionality in Marriage

Choosing is a gift we have been given for better or for worse. Being intentional in life, relationships, health, and anything else doesn’t just happen; it’s not accidental. We have to commit to it. Read more on how to practice intentionality in your marriage.

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