Lifestyle Paulina Colton Lifestyle Paulina Colton

My Pregnancy Must-Haves

I know there are so dozens, probably hundreds of blogs out there saying “THIS is what saved me during pregnancy,” but I felt compelled to still share a few of my favorite items. I like to compare different opinions and come up with what works best for me, so I hope you find this article useful, instead of redundant!

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Food Paulina Colton Food Paulina Colton

“Oops, I Thought We Had Tomatoes” Chili

I realized when I was grabbing all the ingredients I usually use for chili that we didn’t have any diced or canned tomatoes. I took it as an opportunity to use what we had to create something new! Thankfully it was extremely yummy!

I know we need another Chili recipe like we need another pair of leggings, but promise me you’ll give this one a chance! Enjoy!

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Food Paulina Colton Food Paulina Colton

Mango, Mint, & Maca Smoothie

I have been on a smoothie kick recently & threw this together the other day. One sip in & I went WOW! I know I hardly ever follow a recipe exactly, especially for a smoothie, so I won’t be offended if you use this as a loose guide! Enjoy!

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Beauty Paulina Colton Beauty Paulina Colton

Clean Products That Work: My Picks

Let me start by saying, pre-Beautycounter I had the most difficult time finding shades that worked with my fair complexion and products that didn’t irritate my sensitive skin. Turns out, I was using not very safe products. I made the switch to clean & never looked back! My skin has never looked or felt better than it does with clean products!

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Health Paulina Colton Health Paulina Colton

Going Clean: Top Ingredients to Avoid

Next time you are browsing the aisles of Target or finding your next refill, consider flipping over the bottle and read the ingredients section on the packaging. Here’s where a little research can be so beneficial in making educated consumer choices. With all the ingredients out there, I am sharing some of the most harmful ones and where they are likely to be found.

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Food Paulina Colton Food Paulina Colton

Mac & No-Cheese Pasta

I used to have some sensitivity to dairy and this recipe quickly became a favorite of mine. A creamy pasta dish that didn’t hurt my stomach + nutritional value with the cashews and leafy green veggies = success. What I love most about this recipe is you likely have all the things you need already in your pantry, fridge, and freezer! Enjoy this Mac & No-Cheese Pasta dish!

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