Food Paulina Colton Food Paulina Colton

Healthy Broccoli Salad Side Dish

Welcome to my spin on a broccoli salad side dish! It seems to be at every potluck so why not have a solid recipe in your back pocket?! I love taking classic dishes and putting a unique spin on them. I never have raisins on hand, so I swapped those out for chopped dates. Add in some red onion and crispy bacon for a savory crunch! Viola! A yummy side dish to share that is quick & easy.

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Food Paulina Colton Food Paulina Colton

Easy Homemade Granola

Store-bought granola can be so expensive, so this recipe is perfect for skipping that extra expense. I started making this easy homemade granola for our family and it’s one of our go-to snacks to have throughout the week.

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Food Paulina Colton Food Paulina Colton

Autumn-Inspired Butternut Squash and Apple Soup

I’m all about an easy weeknight meal. This Butternut Squash & Apple soup fits the bill. It’s packed with warm spices, fall veggies, & nutrient-dense bone broth. It’s perfect paired with a panini to dip or a salad for some extra crunch!

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Food Paulina Colton Food Paulina Colton

“Oops, I Thought We Had Tomatoes” Chili

I realized when I was grabbing all the ingredients I usually use for chili that we didn’t have any diced or canned tomatoes. I took it as an opportunity to use what we had to create something new! Thankfully it was extremely yummy!

I know we need another Chili recipe like we need another pair of leggings, but promise me you’ll give this one a chance! Enjoy!

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Food Paulina Colton Food Paulina Colton

Easy One-Pot DF Veggie Coconut Curry

Warm spices, lots of veggies, full of coconut milk… what more could you want from an easy one-pot curry! This is the perfect weeknight meal when you are in the mood for something quick that’s both flavorful & spicy. Enjoy!

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Food Paulina Colton Food Paulina Colton

Mango, Mint, & Maca Smoothie

I have been on a smoothie kick recently & threw this together the other day. One sip in & I went WOW! I know I hardly ever follow a recipe exactly, especially for a smoothie, so I won’t be offended if you use this as a loose guide! Enjoy!

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Food Paulina Colton Food Paulina Colton

Simple, Customizable Tuna Melts

I am all about simple, easy, & flexible recipes. These customizable tuna melts are yummy and fit into all 3 of those categories. I hope you enjoy using this as a base to create your own recipe!

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Food Paulina Colton Food Paulina Colton

Austrian Plum Cake

This is probably my most favorite Austrian/ Transylvanian-influenced dessert my family makes! I did my own twist on it using ingredients I had on hand, including gluten-free flour. With its lemon pound cake & plum topping, it’s not overly sweet, but oh-so-satisfying! Enjoy!

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Food Paulina Colton Food Paulina Colton

Mac & No-Cheese Pasta

I used to have some sensitivity to dairy and this recipe quickly became a favorite of mine. A creamy pasta dish that didn’t hurt my stomach + nutritional value with the cashews and leafy green veggies = success. What I love most about this recipe is you likely have all the things you need already in your pantry, fridge, and freezer! Enjoy this Mac & No-Cheese Pasta dish!

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Food Paulina Colton Food Paulina Colton

Immunity Boosting Soup

When the weather outside is crummy, I am always craving something warm to eat. You just can’t beat this nutrient-dense, creamy soup.

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