Bone Broth: Its Health Benefits and How to Make It

What is Bone Broth?

Let’s begin with a simple definition: bone broth is an aromatic broth simmered with beef or poultry bones, vegetables, and herbs. It is different from stock because bone broth is simmered and cooked for much longer, allowing the nutrients to release from the bones with the help of an acidic ingredient (like tomato paste or apple cider vinegar). 

Bone broth has become somewhat of a fad or health ”must” recently, but it’s been around for a long time. Back to the hunters and gatherers, when they used every part and piece of the animal, bone broth was a great solution to utilize all parts of their food. 

Health Benefits of Bone Broth

  • It supports your immune system.

  • It aids in healthy digestion and the healing of your gut.

  • It benefits your hair, skin, and nails.

  • It protects your joints, bones, & teeth.

  • It can help with allergies.

  • It can aid in brain health.

*Note: I am not a doctor, so please consult your physician or holistic nutritionist for more information on bone broth’s benefits for you personally.

How to Make Bone Broth

I never thought I would be one to make my own broth, but it’s become a routine I really enjoy. It’s so nice to have it on hand and much more cost-effective than buying it from the store. 

I usually make my bone broth with the carcasses of roasted chickens I’ve made previously. I will roast the chicken & freeze the bones until I am ready to make the broth. You can also go to the grocery store, butcher shop, or local farmer, and ask specifically for bones to use. This is helpful when making beef bone broth since poultry bones are a bit more commonly used, at least in my household. Be sure to ask for grass-fed, organic, or pasture-raised when possible.

I have made bone broth in my dutch oven, crockpot, & pressure cooker. It might be cheating because it technically doesn’t “simmer” in the pressure cooker, but it’s convenient and tastes just as flavorful.

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4 lbs of roasted chicken bones

2 T olive oil

2 T apple cider vinegar

1 onion, coarsely chopped

sea salt & freshly ground pepper

filtered water

optional, but very tasty: carrots, celery, fresh parsley, garlic cloves, ginger powder, or turmeric powder


  1. Put all the above ingredients through salt & pepper into your pressure cooker.

  2. Add filtered water until the bones are just covered.

  3. Use the soup/broth setting on HIGH PRESSURE for 80 mins.

  4. Once it’s done, hit cancel on your pressure cooker & let it release pressure naturally.

  5. Scoop out larger pieces & pour the rest of the broth through a fine strainer into airtight containers.

*lasts 1 week in the fridge, 3-6 months in the freezer, or 1 year in the deep freeze.

How to Use Bone Broth

There are a variety of uses for bone broth and I share some of the most popular ones below.

  • Drink it, especially when you’re sick or looking to build immunity.

  • Use it in place of water to cook grains. This will add lots of extra flavor.

  • Add it to soups or other recipes that call for broth. This is my favorite way to use the broth I’ve made! 

  • Freeze it. Bone Broth keeps really well in the freezer. Whenever I make a batch, I stick it right into my deep freeze and pull it out when I need it. To thaw it, I set it in my sink in the morning and it is usually thawed by the time I want to use it for dinner.

I hope you come to enjoy making, drinking, and using homemade bone broth after reading about all its benefits! When I make it, I sure feel like I’m wearing my pioneer women hat, which is essentially equivalent to a superhero cape!



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